Four Quick Ways to Boost Your Dating Confidence

Most people feel nervous at the thought of going on a date, but the trick is to make sure that these feelings of anxiety don’t undermine your ability to have fun or make a meaningful connection. If you’ve met someone interesting using our service or on your own, keep the following four things in mind to ensure that you approach your date with a positive attitude.

 1) Try talking and behaving like a confident person; this tactic can slowly start to cause genuine changes in your self-esteem. For example, remember to smile at the other person, maintain eye contact when engaging in conversation, be polite, and deliberately slow your speech if you have a tendency to talk too quickly when you’re nervous. And don't forget to concentrate on what the other person is saying, and respond accordingly - this shows that you're engaged in the conversation.

 2) Before your date, try to think about some topics you’d like to discuss and some questions you’d like to ask. Armed with these prompts, you should be less worried about the possibility of awkward silences. Remember to keep it positive - stay with the happy topics, such as the good relationships in your life, interests that he or she might have (and what you have in common), and goals for the future. Fortunately, when you date with Invitation Only Matchmaking, you already have an idea of his or her interests prior to the date. Take good notes so that you can remember what you want to talk about!

 3) Dress to draw attention to the features that you like best. If you are a man with an athletic body, something that displays your muscular arms may make you feel more confident. Meanwhile, if you are a woman with slender, toned legs, a pair of smart shoes and one of your favorite skirts will help you to feel more attractive. And vice versa, do not draw attention to the areas you're still working to improve upon; if you have  bit of a belly, don't tuck that shirt in, or if you're still toning up your arms stick to a 3/4-length or long-sleeved shirt. 

 4) Finally, remember that a date is just a chance to get to know someone who might be attractive and interesting. If you don’t click with each other, it is not the end of the world; and using our matchmaking service will offer you many more chances to find love. Keeping each date in perspective will help you to be calm, confident and genuine. You are really only on this date to see if you enjoy this person's company, and to see if you would like a second date. The rest can come later! 

By Jamie Leigh for Invitation Only Matchmaking

Posted on March 16, 2015 .