Matchmaking Services

Congratulations, you have taken that first step towards a whole new Southern Oregon dating experience! Finding quality singles that fit your criteria can prove to be a difficult feat, especially when you narrow your search to the Rogue Valley. Invitation Only specializes in love; we help our clients find that special someone without having to travel across the country.

Full Service Matchmaking can include:

  • Consultations with your own personal matchmaker

  • Pre-date preparation and post-date feedback

  • Proposal and engagement planning when you meet that special someone

  • And much, much more...

Most importantly, matchmaking is all about YOU; personal, face-to-face, intimate and 100% confidential. We are fully-focused on finding you the love of your life, and you can rest easy as we become your personal recruiter. Are you ready for the next step? Call, email or fill out our "Join now!" form below, and let's get started.